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Friday, December 17, 2021

Access / Camera

 Hi everyone, 

While I'm being denied access to my own computer by the understudy/body double (of Mel Gibson) who is using fake security, I've been studying up on camera principles.

I love it !!

I highly recommend these videos on YouTube -

All free videos, 
cinematography principles, 
for example, "Camera Lenses" (left).


Also, the StudioBinder website.
An excellent video, photo, TV & film production document workflow resource site. 


Chris Bray Photography
A, 10 free videos, 
photography course.


Also, Chris Bray's website,


I'm learning on my compact camera. Which I think is the best place to start for a beginner. Then you can use "intelligent auto" for all photos and videos, until you go into more detail with settings. 

My camera has some good software, as well.

So, I highly recommend the 
Panasonic DMC-FT30 Lumix 
Digital Compact Camera.

Take care  :)

text (c) Katherine Stuart 2021                              
Dochas Books Film

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