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Sunday, January 1, 2017

Book - "Introduction to Home Cooking - Celtic Australian Style"

Hi Everyone,
It looks like someone is blocking me from getting into my new website,
as my admin log-in page is "Not Found".
So, it would seem that my "Dochas - Books Film" blog,
will have to be my fall back position (not complaining there, as I like blogger :))

So, for the last year,
I've not just been laying back
and enjoying Coogee Beach.
As well as writing my blogs,
I've also been putting some serious time,
into writing a Recipe Folder.

And it's............ finished !!

"Introduction to Home Cooking -
  Celtic Australian Style",
  is the title.

This is all well and good,
but seeing as this is my first book
ready for marketing,
I don't have all the mechanisms in place yet
to be able to sell it.

And I think that this may take me
                                                                          the better part of this year to achieve.

                                                                          It's a slow process,
                                                                          but I've already started
                                                                          to put the pieces together.

                                                                          However, it will probably not be available
                                                                          for many months to come.

                                                                          Wish me luck on this one  :)

(c) Katherine Stuart 2017

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