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Friday, November 29, 2019

Book - "IHCCAS"

Book "Introduction to Home Cooking -  
            Celtic Australian Style"    440p

I'm happy to announce,
that I have finished
printing and binding,
a master copy
of a book that I wrote
in 2015 - 2016.

It's an educational, reference manual
of theory and basic recipes / methods
aimed at the beginner
who would like to cook
in the Celtic Australian style.
But, it's also useful
for more advanced practitioners.

Most of this information
                                                                                    is freely available
                                                                                    on the internet already.
                                                                                    I have just compiled it into a form
                                                                                    that I can understand and access easily.
                                                                                    At present, this is only for my own use.
                                                                                    And most of the information and recipes
                                                                                    are, as yet, untested !!
                                                                                    But, onwards and upwards !!

(c) Katherine Stuart 2019