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Monday, December 18, 2023


The overall objective of this series of tests, was to find out the capability of my camera,
the –
Panasonic Lumix    DMC - FT30    Automatic Digital Compact

for taking Time Lapses.
So, what can this camera do ?
I found that the capacity of the battery is a critical factor.
When fully charged, the battery comfortably allows me to take a –

            540    frames                     ( 360    x    1  1/2 )                            

            10    second interval

                    -    1  1/2    hours    real time
Time Lapse      
Just recapping –

Unchangiing light conditions     
This camera can cope with unchanging daylight conditions, well.
Such that, the Time Lapse produced is smooth, and of good quality.

Decreasing, indirect light conditions      
This camera seems to have some difficulty adjusting to the change in focus and light intensity,
as indirect light conditions decrease.
Such that, the Time Lapse produced is not smooth, and a bit jumpy.

Increasing, indirect light conditions      
This camera also seems to have some difficulty adjusting to the change in focus and light intensity,
as indirect light conditions increase.
Such that, the Time Lapse produced is not smooth, and jumps in a more pronounced way, though less number of times,
than when indirect light conditions decrease.
So, I would say that, this camera can cope a bit better with decreasing, rather than increasing, indirect light conditions.

Decreasing, direct light conditions      
This camera seems to have some difficulty adjusting to the change in focus and light intensity,
as direct light conditions decrease.
Such that, the Time Lapse produced is not smooth and is jumpy in some places.
In particular, around the time that the sun was setting, exactly.

Increasing, direct light conditions      
This camera also seems to have difficulty adjusting to the change in focus and light intensity,
as direct light conditions increase.
Such that, the Time Lapse produced is not smooth, and jumps in a much more pronounced way than when light conditons decrease., with some major focus issues. Though, I think that this was in part because the movement of the waves exponentially increased the changes in light direction and intensity, so that the camera could not cope.

Light Quality
However, I was very impressed by the quality of light captured overall, in particular, in the lower
light conditions
Decreasing  vs  Increasing,  Indirect Light Conditions
This camera can cope a bit better with decreasing, rather than increasing, indirect light conditions.
Decreasing  vs  Increasing,  Direct Light Conditions
This camera can cope a bit better with decreasing, rather than increasing, direct light conditions.

Indirect Light  vs  Direct Light,  Conditions       
It would seem that this camera can cope better with indirect light changes, than direct light changes.

Excluding the photo of the Lumix camera 
© Katherine Stuart 2023
Dochas Books Film

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

TL 1-7 YouTube Videos - "Sunset (5fps)" & "Sunrise (5fps)"

Using the Camera –
Panasonic Lumix    DMC - FT30    Automatic Digital Compact


Objective 1
-  To take a    540 frame    Time Lapse,    over    1  1/2  hours.
Objective 2
-  To record before, during and after sunset, in order to see how the camera performs with 
    capturing the change in decreasing, direct light.
Objective 3
-  To take a    540 frame    Time Lapse,    over    1  1/2  hours.
Objective 4
-  To record before, during and after sunrise, in order to see how the camera performs with 
    capturing the change in increasing, direct light.

A Time Lapse, taken over sunset
to see how this camera performs 
with decreasing, direct light. 

A Time Lapse, taken over sunrise
to see how this camera performs 
with increasing, direct light. 

For    “SUNSET    (5fps)”


-  Flash Button
     -  Forced Flash Off
        (No Flash, compulsory)
-  Mode Button
     -  iA    (Intelligent Auto)
-  Cross / Centre Button
      -  iA Rec
            -  Time Lapse Shot
                  -  Shooting Interval
                      Image Count
                        -  Shooting Interval
                             -  10 sec
                        -  Image Count
                             -  540
                   -  Start Shooting
                         -  Press shutter to start
Taken on  Mon  25  September  2023,
4.53  PM  -  6.23  PM    Approx.
Trenerry Reserve,  Coogee  NSW,  AUSTRALIA
Facing  -    West
Breeze  -    Not noticeable at ground level
Panasonic Lumix    DMC - FT30    Automatic Digital Compact
Forced Flash, Off    (No Flash, compulsory)
But it may not have fired in low light
iA    (Intelligent Auto)
540  frames,
at  10  second intervals,
over  1  1/2  hours  real time,
and recorded the whole  540  frames
over  1  1/2  hours  real time
5  fps                   
1  min  49  sec
Objective 1
-  A    540 frame    Time Lapse,    over    1  1/2  hours    was achieved.
Objective 2
-   Recording before, during and after sunset was achieved.
    The angle used, captured direct light from the direction of the sunset.
-  With    540 frames    recorded -
    The camera appears to have had enough light to record normally.
-  There is some obvious, continuous, slight, in and out change of focus.
    The breeze at ground level was minimal, so I would suppose that the camera had some
    trouble re-focusing to the changes, when the light was dim.
-  There are some big jumps in the intensity of light captured, from lighter to darker, so that 
    the change is not smooth.
    This could be the aperture adjusting in one big increment, instead of several smaller 
    unnoticeable ones.
-  The quality of light captured, is quite good.
For    “SUNRISE    (5fps)”
-  Flash Button
     -  Forced Flash Off
        (No Flash, compulsory)
-  Mode Button
     -  iA    (Intelligent Auto)
-  Cross / Centre Button
      -  iA Rec
            -  Time Lapse Shot
                  -  Shooting Interval
                      Image Count
                        -  Shooting Interval
                             -  10 sec
                        -  Image Count
                             -  540
                   -  Start Shooting
                         -  Press shutter to start
Taken on  Wed  8  November  2023,
4.50  AM  -  6.20  AM    Approx.
Facing  -    East
Breeze  -    Not noticeable at ground level
Panasonic Lumix    DMC - FT30    Automatic Digital Compact
Forced Flash, Off    (No Flash, compulsory)
But it may not have fired in low light
iA    (Intelligent Auto)
540  frames,
at  10  second intervals,
over  1  1/2  hours  real time,
but only recorded  456  frames
over  1  1/2  hours  real time
                          5  fps
                          VIDEO RUNNING TIME
1  min  32  sec
Objective 3
-  Only a    456 frame    Time Lapse,    over    1  1/2  hours    was achieved.
Objective 4
-   Recording before, during and after sunrise was achieved.
    The angle used, captured direct light from the direction of the sunrise.
-  With only    456 frames    recorded -
    The camera appears to be taking longer to record a frame, when the light is too dim.
     Possibly the shutter speed is slower, in order to obtain enough light for the frame,
    and this is over-reaching and over-riding the    10 sec    time interval.
    The camera is staying within the overall time limit set, which was    1   1/2  hours.
-  There is obvious, continuous, slight, in and out change of focus.
    The breeze at ground level was minimal, so I would suppose that the camera is having 
    some trouble re-focusing to the changes, when the light is dim.
-  There are a lot of big jumps in the intensity of light captured, from darker to lighter, 
    so that the change is not smooth.
    This could be the aperture adjusting in one big increment, instead of several smaller 
    unnoticeable ones.
-  The camera was also having great difficulty focussing when the sun was at full intensity after 
    rising above the horizon.
    So, I would say that this camera cannot handle that amount of light, which is moving. 
    Though, it’s not doing too badly without the aid of filters.
-  The quality of light captured, is quite good.

Decreasing, direct light conditions    -    “Sunset    (5fps)”
This camera seems to have some difficulty adjusting to the change in focus and light intensity, 
as direct light conditions decrease.
Such that, the Time Lapse produced is not smooth and is jumpy in some places. In particular, 
around the time that the sun was setting, exactly.
Increasing, direct light conditions    -    “Sunrise    (5fps)”
This camera also seems to have difficulty adjusting to the change in focus and light intensity,
as direct light conditions increase.
Such that, the Time Lapse produced is not smooth, and jumps in a much more pronounced 
way than when light conditons decrease., with some major focus issues. Though, I think that 
this was in part because the movement of the waves exponentially increased the changes 
in light direction and intensity, so that the camera could not cope.
Decreasing  vs  Increasing, direct light conditions
So I would say that, this camera can cope a bit better with decreasing, rather than increasing, 
direct light conditions.
Light Quality
However, I was very impressed by the quality of light captured overall, in particular, in the lower
light conditions.

Excluding the photo of the Lumix camera
© Katherine Stuart 2023
Dochas Books Film