Catalogue of Posts


Sunday, January 1, 2017

Crowdfunding Request

Hi Everyone,

I have a crowdfunding request.

Pushed beyond the limits of human endurance,
I now turn to the general community for financial support.

My Financial Situation
I was lucky to find jobs for a year and a half,
when I was 19 - 21 years old.
But since then,
I've been on Centrelink
(Australian government welfare) payments
for 34 and a half years.

My Personal Situation 
It wasn't very clear as to what my problem was,
until the last few years
after seeing several health professionals,
and having the MRI of my head done.

The present understanding, is that I have -
1. Dyslexia - since birth
2. Autism  - since birth
3. 7 Head Injuries, maybe more
       -  2 when I was 2 months old from my father
       -  3 when I was 1 year old from my father
       -  1 when I was 6 years old from Bruce Davey
       -  1 when I was 19 years old from being bucked from a horse

This has disabled me internally, physically and mentally.
Coupled with the circumstances of the abuse,
when I was a child up to the age of nearly 7 years old,
I am not able to work for another person.
Add that I am also a writer,
then you can see that I have had no hope
of entering the workplace in the normal way.

Being on Centrelink is killing me.
I can't get off it. I've tried my best, but it's not good enough.
I need your support.

If anyone is interested,
in donating any money to my bank account,
the details are as follows -

(Australian) Westpac Account

Account Name:              KATHERINE STUART
Account Type:                Westpac Choice
Home Branch Name:    BONDI JUNCTION
BSB / Account No.:        732051 / 575254

If donating from outside Australia,
there are many banks affiliated with Westpac,
which can transfer the funds to my account.
Check Westpac's website for
"Global ATM Alliance"
for details.

I will give regular updates on any progress,
if anything to report.

Love you guys, but I'm dying here  :(

(c) Katherine Stuart 2017

Book - "Introduction to Home Cooking - Celtic Australian Style"

Hi Everyone,
It looks like someone is blocking me from getting into my new website,
as my admin log-in page is "Not Found".
So, it would seem that my "Dochas - Books Film" blog,
will have to be my fall back position (not complaining there, as I like blogger :))

So, for the last year,
I've not just been laying back
and enjoying Coogee Beach.
As well as writing my blogs,
I've also been putting some serious time,
into writing a Recipe Folder.

And it's............ finished !!

"Introduction to Home Cooking -
  Celtic Australian Style",
  is the title.

This is all well and good,
but seeing as this is my first book
ready for marketing,
I don't have all the mechanisms in place yet
to be able to sell it.

And I think that this may take me
                                                                          the better part of this year to achieve.

                                                                          It's a slow process,
                                                                          but I've already started
                                                                          to put the pieces together.

                                                                          However, it will probably not be available
                                                                          for many months to come.

                                                                          Wish me luck on this one  :)

(c) Katherine Stuart 2017

New Website

Hi Everyone,

This is the final post for this blog, "Dochas - Books Film",
as I have set up a new website of the same name,
to carry on the business side of my activities.

I will leave this blog up on the internet.

And, my blog, "Holyrood Muse" will continue as usual.  :)

(c)Katherine Stuart 2016