Catalogue of Posts


Saturday, December 14, 2013

YouTube - Video - Solar Eclipse (80%) 14/11/2012

Solar Eclipse (80%) 14/11/2012

At Darwin, Northern Territory, 


(c) Katherine Stuart 2012
Dochas Books Film

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

YouTube - Video - The Wave

A Poem


The Wave

(c) Katherine Stuart 2013
Dochas Books Film

YouTube Channel

I have just set up my own
YouTube Channel.

You can find it,
if you go to YouTube,
then type in at the top -

    katherine stuart - the wave, poem

press the search button,
which takes you to the video,
and then click on -

    katherine stuart

which takes you to my YouTube Channel.

It's early days yet,
so there's only one experimental video
in there at the moment.

Study - Uni TEP Course

All my results are in for
the Tertiary Enabling Program (TEP)
that I did through Charles Darwin University (CDU)
(here in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia)
and I passed all four units,
so I've passed the course.
*sigh of relief*

When enrollments open
I will be applying to study
"Certificate IV in Small Business Management"
at CDU in 2014,
part-time for all of the year.

This is going to be helpful
in running the core of my business,
"Dochas Books Film".


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Equipment - Computer Microphones

I have just bought a couple of microphones
for the computer -
   a desk top microphone, and
   a clip-on microphone.

Sound is not my strong point,
but it's time for me to get to grips
with recording sound
directly onto my computer !

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Study - Uni TEP Course

I have finished all the study and the final exam
(for Advanced Foundation Maths)
for the TEP  (Tertiary Enabling Program)
course that I was doing
through Charles Darwin University,
here in Darwin, Northern Territory,

Things are looking hopeful
for me having passed everything.
"Cross the fingers", for good luck.

So, I was studying this course of 4 units,
for 12 months almost continuously,
except for University holidays.
That is a big effort for me
considering I have been out of the study regime
for a very long time.

But, I think I'm back in the swing of it now.
And am enjoying that I have achieved this so far.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Study - Uni TEP Course

I've started the last University unit for my Tertiary Enabling Program (TEP) course. This is "Advanced Foundation Maths". It's just highschool maths involving geometry etc, but with a technical bias. It's the first week in, so I'm just seeing how I go, refreshing my memory and learning it better this time, with a view to studying some engineering
in the distant future :)

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Study - TEP

I've completed the unit -
"Academic Language and Literacy",
in my TEP (Tertiary Enabling Program) Uni course.
It involved a thorough look at
how to read academic papers / articles etc,
and how to write for academic purposes,
including using references.
It was very rewarding for me as a writer.
Now for the semester break,
and then on to the last unit,
"Advanced Foundation Maths".

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Facebook / Email

For anyone in the wider community,
who has sent me a message through Facebook,
I'm sorry, but I can't receive or send messages through this site,
as I keep this just for communicating
with my close family.
Email is the best option.
My email address is -
Please be understanding if I'm not able to respond.
Emails of a personal nature are not encouraged.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Emails to me

I have to apologise to anyone who may have emailed me in the beginning when I first started this blog. All this was new to me then, and I didn't realise how everything worked, and that emails may have come through from contact with/interest in it. I will have to get my head around that in the future. Sorry :)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Study - Uni TEP course

I have finished the first two units of my Tertiary Enabling Program course through Charles Darwin Uni.
That was Basic Maths and Basic Computer. Very interesting and well worth it.
Now I'm onto doing Basic English for Semester 1.

Monday, January 28, 2013

New Blog - "Holyrood Muse"

I have just created a new blog, called "Holyrood Muse". It is a personal blog, not work related. If you are