Catalogue of Posts


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Study - The Computer

Looking into understanding the basis of the computer.
This includes,
Making computer programs

Equipment - IC Recorder

Bought an IC Recorder a while back.

This is a small, voice/sound recorder,
with a USB connection for downloading onto a computer.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Equipment - Digital Camera

Looking to buy a digital camera today.
Base line specs.
Nothing too fancy.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

DVD - "Who is Julieta?"

The video is completed !!
And being distributed to family and friends.
Time for a break.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

DVD - "Who is Julieta?"


Hello Everyone,

This is my first entry. I'm currently at Charles Darwin University, doing Cert. IV in Interactive Digital Media. And finishing up 2 units, one on shooting video material and turning that into a DVD, the other one on basic sound editing, which was used in the making of that video.

The video is called
"Who is Julieta?"

And is basically about a friend of mine, Julieta Moffatt who is Philippina, and what her life has been like since she came to Australia.
The main thread of the story is about her husband, Charles Moffatt, and his death two and a half years ago, and how she has coped with this loss.