Catalogue of Posts


Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Video - "Race Yachts"

Video - "Race Yachts"

The "2019 Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race" leaders, as they come into view (use full screen on the video) view, as seen from Dolphin Point, Coogee, Sydney NSW, Australia, 26 Dec 2019.

(c) Katherine Stuart 2019

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Videos - Bushfire Smoke and Ash

"Bushfire Smoke Over Coogee Beach"

Bushfire smoke has been hanging
over Coogee beach for a few weeks
now, as the NSW (Australia)
bushfire crisis continues.

"Bushfire Ash on Coogee Beach"

Bushfire ash brought in by the tide.

   (c) Katherine Stuart 2019

Friday, November 29, 2019

Book - "IHCCAS"

Book "Introduction to Home Cooking -  
            Celtic Australian Style"    440p

I'm happy to announce,
that I have finished
printing and binding,
a master copy
of a book that I wrote
in 2015 - 2016.

It's an educational, reference manual
of theory and basic recipes / methods
aimed at the beginner
who would like to cook
in the Celtic Australian style.
But, it's also useful
for more advanced practitioners.

Most of this information
                                                                                    is freely available
                                                                                    on the internet already.
                                                                                    I have just compiled it into a form
                                                                                    that I can understand and access easily.
                                                                                    At present, this is only for my own use.
                                                                                    And most of the information and recipes
                                                                                    are, as yet, untested !!
                                                                                    But, onwards and upwards !!

(c) Katherine Stuart 2019

Friday, July 5, 2019

YouTube Video - Remy Baker's ".../beanies/true LOVE/..."

Announcing the very talented

    Remy Baker  !!

Among her many other talents, including,
modelling (in Paris, no less !!), painting, and, acting in film,

she has recently begun her journey into filming and editing her own videos,
of which I think she is a natural, but you be the judge !!
And she graciously asked to do one, on the beanies that I made for her,
this being the result.

I love your spirit, Remy !!
You truly are a beautiful soul, yourself.
And I'm sure, that you are on the way, and upwards !!

Catch Remy on,

YouTube    -  Remy Baker
                     (includes film credits)
                  -  remy baker
                     (YouTube Channel)
Instagram   -  remybaker3

text (c) Katherine Stuart 2019
Dochas Books Film

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

YouTube - Video "Coogee Sparkles 2018"

Coogee Sparkles 2018

This is the entire fireworks display,
put on at 9pm,
at Coogee Beach, Sydney, Australia 2018.

Look out for the rainbows
and the smiley face !!

(c) Katherine Stuart 2018
Dochas Books Film