Catalogue of Posts


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Happy New Year 2017

                                      To Everyone,

Wishing You All the Best,
Of the Good Things to Come, 
in 2017  :)


text (c) Katherine Stuart 2016

Sunday, December 18, 2016

YouTube - Video "Coogee Carols 2016"

Last night I went down to the beach,
(at Coogee, Sydney, Australia),
and sang and danced with all the
others having a good time,
enjoying the evening out
at "The Coogee Carols".

I took this video of the rendition
of "Silver Bells".

There were also some impressive
fireworks  :)

Coogee Carols 2016

(c) Katherine Stuart 2016
Dochas Books Film

Thursday, December 8, 2016

YouTube - Video "Conversation at the AACTA Awards - Red Carpet"

An Asian lady asked me
what was going on,
outside The Star Event Centre
in Sydney, Australia,
on Wed 7 Dec 2016.
I didn't know that I was recording,
but it's up
on my YouTube channel now,
if it's of interest to anyone.

Sorry about the big gap
in the conversation,
but this is unedited.