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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

YouTube - Videos "Aerial Staging" Series

NIDA Open Day - 14 May 2016
Students were engaged in an
"aerial Staging" class, in the Atrium,
at the Kensington campus of the
National Institute of Dramatic Art,
Sydney, Australia,
resulting in a series of videos,
as follows -

1. Star Jumps
2. Spins
3. Rolls
4. Spiderman
5. Floating
                                                                                              6. Action Sequence

                                                                                              If you want to know how actors
                                                                                              "fly" in movies,
                                                                                              then have a look at this
                                                                                              "behind the scenes" action !
text (c) Katherine Stuart 2016 
Dochas Books Film