Catalogue of Posts


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Happy New Year 2017

                                      To Everyone,

Wishing You All the Best,
Of the Good Things to Come, 
in 2017  :)


text (c) Katherine Stuart 2016

Sunday, December 18, 2016

YouTube - Video "Coogee Carols 2016"

Last night I went down to the beach,
(at Coogee, Sydney, Australia),
and sang and danced with all the
others having a good time,
enjoying the evening out
at "The Coogee Carols".

I took this video of the rendition
of "Silver Bells".

There were also some impressive
fireworks  :)

Coogee Carols 2016

(c) Katherine Stuart 2016
Dochas Books Film

Thursday, December 8, 2016

YouTube - Video "Conversation at the AACTA Awards - Red Carpet"

An Asian lady asked me
what was going on,
outside The Star Event Centre
in Sydney, Australia,
on Wed 7 Dec 2016.
I didn't know that I was recording,
but it's up
on my YouTube channel now,
if it's of interest to anyone.

Sorry about the big gap
in the conversation,
but this is unedited.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

YouTube - Videos

 Video  "Coogee Big Swell"

After a weekend of wind, rain,
and high seas, the promenade
Coogee Beach, Sydney, Australia,
was badly damaged, and the south
end has been closed to the public.

This video, showing the heavy
swell, was taken the day after
on Mon 6 Jun 2016.

Video  "Coogee Big Surf"

This video, taken two days later,
on Wed 8 Jun 2016,
shows some impressive waves
coming into the beach.

At this point, the surf was too rough
for most people,
and the promenade was still closed
at the south end.

(c) Katherine Stuart 2016
Dochas Books Film

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

YouTube - Videos "Aerial Staging" Series

NIDA Open Day - 14 May 2016
Students were engaged in an
"aerial Staging" class, in the Atrium,
at the Kensington campus of the
National Institute of Dramatic Art,
Sydney, Australia,
resulting in a series of videos,
as follows -

1. Star Jumps
2. Spins
3. Rolls
4. Spiderman
5. Floating
                                                                                              6. Action Sequence

                                                                                              If you want to know how actors
                                                                                              "fly" in movies,
                                                                                              then have a look at this
                                                                                              "behind the scenes" action !
text (c) Katherine Stuart 2016 
Dochas Books Film