Catalogue of Posts


Friday, April 17, 2015

Cert IV in SBM - update #7

I'm pleased to say that I'm now back on track with doing the last unit,
which is about how to report on financial activity in your business,
not a subject that is for everybody !! , but if you like maths, it's ok.

Monday, April 6, 2015

YouTube - Video "Dragon lizard on a blade of grass"

Just managed to catch
this dragon lizard
lazing on a blade of grass,
before it noticed me.

Dragon lizard on a blade of grass

(c) Katherine Stuart 2015

YouTube - Videos "Little Bats" Series

"Little Bats 1"                                                                              

Most evenings at dusk,
a steady stream
of a species of little bats
makes its way across the house.
Sometimes they even fly
down the driveway, and also
through the front patio!
In the background,
you can hear a possum
walking down the patio roof above,
and maybe its poo hitting the ground towards the end.
    "Little Bats 2"

This video is of the steady stream
of the species of little bats
flying past the house at dusk,
from another angle.

(c) Katherine Stuart 2015

Saturday, April 4, 2015

YouTube - Video "Lunar Eclipse Moon Rising"

Here, the moon is rising at the start
of the total lunar eclipse last night,
4 April 2015.

This was taken at Darwin
(Northern Territory, Australia).

Lunar Eclipse Moon Rising

(c) Katherine Stuart 2015
Dochas Books Film