Catalogue of Posts


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Pray for Paris

My thoughts and prayers
go out to all in Paris    :(

Friday, October 23, 2015

Cert IV in SBM - Graduation

I am very happy to announce,
that I have graduated from my
Certificate IV in Small Business Management,
Charles Darwin University course,
on Friday 16 October 2015.

I didn't attend the ceremony, though,
as none of my family members are here
in Darwin (Northern Territory, Australia)
at present.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Internal issue - update #3

It would seem that my internal issue may have been resolved.
Only time will tell.
So, I will see if I can get back into doing some more creative work  :)

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Internal issue - update #2

I'm still addressing the internal issue,
so all my creative work is still on hold at the moment.

Cert IV in SBM - update #9

Hi everyone :) I'm back, momentarily.

I'm very pleased to announce
that I've passed my course,
Certificate IV in Small Business Management.

Here is the certificate to prove it !

(It's a little bit crumpled from being
  squashed into the mailbox)

Monday, June 8, 2015

Internal Issue

There's an internal issue that I have to address,
so I won't be able to put up any creative material for a while.
It might take a few weeks  :(

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Cert IV in SBM - update #8

All units are now in !
There are only 2 that need to be marked,
which may take a few weeks.
So, I'll have to wait and see how that goes  :)

Friday, April 17, 2015

Cert IV in SBM - update #7

I'm pleased to say that I'm now back on track with doing the last unit,
which is about how to report on financial activity in your business,
not a subject that is for everybody !! , but if you like maths, it's ok.

Monday, April 6, 2015

YouTube - Video "Dragon lizard on a blade of grass"

Just managed to catch
this dragon lizard
lazing on a blade of grass,
before it noticed me.

Dragon lizard on a blade of grass

(c) Katherine Stuart 2015

YouTube - Videos "Little Bats" Series

"Little Bats 1"                                                                              

Most evenings at dusk,
a steady stream
of a species of little bats
makes its way across the house.
Sometimes they even fly
down the driveway, and also
through the front patio!
In the background,
you can hear a possum
walking down the patio roof above,
and maybe its poo hitting the ground towards the end.
    "Little Bats 2"

This video is of the steady stream
of the species of little bats
flying past the house at dusk,
from another angle.

(c) Katherine Stuart 2015

Saturday, April 4, 2015

YouTube - Video "Lunar Eclipse Moon Rising"

Here, the moon is rising at the start
of the total lunar eclipse last night,
4 April 2015.

This was taken at Darwin
(Northern Territory, Australia).

Lunar Eclipse Moon Rising

(c) Katherine Stuart 2015
Dochas Books Film

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

YouTube - Videos "Possum" series

In this video you can see a possum
feeding in a tree, which I took while
sitting on the front patio.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      "Possum tree"

This features the tree that the
possums are chewing on.


Here, after a fight with what may
have been a larger male possum,
this mother and youngster are
taking time out to lick their

"Possum eviction"

The mother possum and her
youngster have been evicted from
their home in the roof of the house,
after a second major fight with what
may have been the larger male

"Possums leaving home"

The mother possum and her
youngster are now leaving home
after being evicted.

(c) Katherine Stuart 2015      

Saturday, March 7, 2015

YouTube - Video "Full Moon Spider"

If you don't like spiders, this one's
not for you!

I came across this spider spinning
its web in front of the full moon in
the garden.

It was spinning it in a clock-wise

Full Moon Spider

(c) Katherine Stuart 2015

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


There is a hacker getting into my blogs and changing the position of the text etc
around in them, so if you see anything out of place, this is why.

I'm powerless to stop this from happening, and it's a never ending story trying to
correct the mistakes which keep popping up   :(

Sorry about this everyone.

(I know who it is - It's someone I know personally)

Tidying up my blogs

I apologise, if anyone has been trying to get on to my blogs in the last couple
of weeks or so, and hasn't been able to.

I've been tidying them up. Sorry  :(

Friday, February 13, 2015

Cert IV in SBM - update #6 - Business Plan

For all the
out there -

This is my
Business Plan,
which has
from studying
Cert. IV in

It is the culmination of all that hard work.
But by no means, a representative of all of it !!

(c) Katherine Stuart 2015

Saturday, January 31, 2015

YouTube - Video - "Volcanic Ash Vapour Cloud"

Volcanic Ash Vapour Cloud

This may very well be volcanic ash vapour cloud,
from the eruption of the Sangeang Api volcano in Indonesia
on 30 May 2014.
Taken on 3 June 2014, at 6.40pm (Australian Central Standard Time),
where I live in Darwin (Northern Territory, Australia),
it shows the volcanic ash moving slowly overhead from the north west.

(c) Katherine Stuart 2014
Dochas Books Film

Saturday, January 24, 2015

YouTube - Video "Anzac Day March 2014 - Full Parade Part 2"

Anzac Day March 2014 - Full Parade Part 2

This video of part of the full parade of the Anzac Day march in
Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia in 2014, includes, specialised
armed forces units such as trained dogs, currently serving American
armed services personnel, and, children's clubs and cadets.

(c) Katherine Stuart 2014

YouTube - Video "Anzac Day March 2014 - Full Parade Part 1"

Anzac Day March 2014 - Full Parade Part 1

This video of part of the full Anzac Day march in Darwin, Northern
Territory, Australia, in 2014 includes, the veterans, currently serving
armed forces personnel, and, heavy machinery such as tanks etc.

(c) Katherine Stuart 2014